The internal short of a high voltage power semiconductor can cause
the misconnection of the rail voltage to the driver circuit
resulting in catastrophic damage to the driver circuit. Caddock's
ultra-fast Fault Current Fusing Resistor technology reacts to the
sudden fault quickly interrupting the high current, high voltage
Caddock's ultra-fast Fault Current Fusing Resistors include:
• Ultra-fast fusing of sudden fault events, typically less that
• Voltage rating of 200 volts dc (higher voltage capability is
• Resistive fuse element of 1 ohm up to 30 ohm
• Normal continuous operating current of up to 1 amp
Caddock's ultra-fast Fault Current Fusing Resistor technology is
intended to provide a quick opening (fusing action) to sudden
current events that suddenly cause at least the fault voltage to
appear across the device while not exceeding the maximum fault
voltage. Other fusing devices or protection consideration must be
provided by the circuit designer for electrical faults other than
the specific sudden fault current protection that this device
Patents pending
Please contact Caddock applications engineering to evaluate the
of Caddock's ultra-fast Fault Current Fusing Resistor technology
your power driver circuits.
Caddock Application