CADDOCK High Performance Film Resistors

Voltage Dividers - Discrete Resistor Sets

MG/MG Matched Resistor Sets Two Type MG resistors matched to form a Voltage Divider with precision ratio performance
  • Typical Voltage Divider Ratings: 2KV, 5KV, 10KV, 15KV, and 20KV
  • Divider high end resistor matched to the divider low end resistor
  • Ratio TC: 25ppm/°C, -40°C to +85°C, ref. 25°C
  • Ratio Tolerance (DCR at 100 volts): 1% or 0.5%
  • Ratio VC: Consult Applications Engineering; the part selection can be optimized to achieve good Ratio VC performance
Voltage Dividers Contact Caddock Application Engineering
TG/TK Matched Resistor Sets Type TG resistor matched to Type TK resistor(s) to form a Voltage Divider with very high precision ratio performance
  • Typical Voltage Divider Ratings: 5KV, 10KV, 15KV, and 20KV
  • Divider high end resistor matched to the divider low end resistor
  • Absolute TC: 25 ppm/°C -55°C to +125°C, ref. 25°C
  • Ratio TC: 10 ppm/°C, -40°C to +85°C, ref. 25°C
  • Ratio Tolerance (DCR at 100 volts): 1%, 0.5%, or 0.25%
  • Ratio VC: Consult Applications Engineering; the part selection can be optimized to achieve very good Ratio VC performance
Voltage Divider Circuit Contact Caddock Application Engineering
USF/USF Matched Resistor Sets USF 370 and USF 340 matched resistors will form a Voltage Divider that achieves Ultra-Precision ratio performance with very low Ratio Voltage Coefficient
  • Voltage Divider Ratings: to 2500 volts
  • Absolute TC: 10 ppm/°C or 5 ppm/°C, -40°C to +85°C, ref. 25°C
  • Ratio TC: 10 ppm/°C, 5 ppm/°C, or 2 ppm/°C -40°C to +85°C, ref. 25°C
  • Absolute Tolerance (DCR at 100 volts): 0.1%
  • Ratio Tolerance (DCR at 100 volts): 0.1%, 0.05%, 0.02%, or 0.01%
  • Ratio VC: Consult Applications Engineering; the resistance value selection can be optimized to achieve very low Ratio VC performance.
Voltage Dividers Contact Caddock Application Engineering
USG/USF Matched Resistor Sets Type USG resistor matched to a Type USF resistor to form a Voltage Divider that achieves High Voltage capability with very low Ratio Voltage Coefficient
  • Typical Voltage Divider Ratings: 5KV, 10KV, or 15KV
  • Absolute TC: 20 ppm/°C or 10 ppm/°C, -40°C to +85°C, ref. 25°C
  • Ratio TC: 10 ppm/°C or 5 ppm/°C, -40°C to +85°C, ref. 25°C
  • Absolute Tolerance (DCR at 100 volts): 0.2% or 0.1%
  • Ratio Tolerance (DCR at 100 volts): 0.2% or 0.1%
  • Ratio VC: Consult Applications Engineering; the part selection and resistance value selection can be optimized to achieve outstanding Ratio VC performance
Voltage Divider Circuit Contact Caddock Application Engineering
Type USVD Ultra-Precision Matched Resistor Voltage Divider - Bonded
  • USF300 Series Resistors are matched and are bonded together, providing enhanced isothermal temperature tracking between the bonded resistors.
  • Voltage Division: 100:1 up to 1000:1
  • Voltage Rating: up to 2000 volts
  • Low Ratio TC: 5 ppm/°C down to 2 ppm/°C, -40°C to +85°C, ref. 25°C
  • Ratio Tolerance: 0.05% to 0.01%
  • Ratio Voltage Coeff.: as tight as 0.02 ppm/volt
Voltage Dividers Download Datasheet (pdf)
Type USFS High Voltage, Ultra-Stable, Low Absolute TC Selected Resistor Sets

Total Set Resistance up to 100 Megohm with Absolute TC of 2 ppm/°C
Voltage Ratings up to 5000 Volts DC - Custom Selected Resistor Sets Available

Voltage Divider Circuit Download Datasheet (pdf)
Type USGS High Voltage, Ultra-Stable, Low Absolute TC
Selected Resistor Sets

Total Set Resistance up to 500 Megohm with Absolute TC of 5 ppm/°C
Voltage Ratings up to 50KV DC - Custom Selected Resistor Sets Available

Voltage Divider Circuit Download Datasheet (pdf)